Year 9
Intent: Inspire students to explore how they make decisions
Concentration on the development of self-preparation and self-confidence
Working with others and understanding one's own aptitudes
Develop career and opportunity awareness through written exercises
Making use of opportunities to learn and to participate - through the pastoral programme and the use of student self organisation tools
Life lessons - Option Choices for GCSE and BTEC Level 2
Year 9 Parents Evening and Options event - Careers Co-ordinator has an information table to deliver advise and information for progression to KS4/5 and FE as well as apprenticeships and forces employment
UniFrog programme
Work inspiration trips and visits
Non-compulsory options for all students
Use of Careers Zone during school hours
Making an appointment with the Careers Co-ordinator
Further information about all of the above activities can be obtained by pupils, parents, teacher and employers by contacting the Careers co-ordinator, Miss Hannah Romain on: 01522 751040 or via email