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Year 6 Transition to Pembroke

Every year we are delighted to welcome new students as they join us at Pembroke Academy and become part of the Pembroke community. 

We understand that the transition process from primary to secondary education can be a daunting experience. We want to reassure you that we will assist you in any way we can to ensure all students arrive excited and fully informed about the next chapter of their education.  From a dedicated Head of Year and Pastoral Lead to additional support in the first few days and weeks, we ensure our new year 7 cohort are happy and settled.

Please use the below links to help with the transition process - 

All about me booklet 

Uniform Guide

In regard to the Pembroke Academy uniform, all the information you require is available in the link above and on the website. The staff at Uniform Direct will be more than happy to help you with any queries at the Lincoln High Street store or online. 

On receipt of you accepting your place at Pembroke Academy, you received an ‘Admissions Pack’, which included a letter along with pack of administrative documents. Please ensure that those documents are completed in full and sent back to Mrs Garner as soon as possible. These include the Student entry form, Photography & Videos consent form and the Pupils Privacy Notice. 

We look forward to working with you all. 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email us  -