World Book Week

We have thoroughly enjoyed World Book Day this year, by having a focus on reading all week - thus making a World Book Week. We have 'dropped everything and read' every day and engaged with books and reading as this terms wellbeing activity. Students in all years have loved being read to by staff, whether its been a short story, a book relating to their lesson, or merely a book that teacher is reading. Students have been reading in form time too and each day we have had a recommended read from one of our student librarians shared on our social media feeds. In this week's whole school assembly, various members of staff shared their favourite books and what got them into reading. Reading helps us in so many ways - we reap the rewards of better exam results making us more employable, we can escape in a story and improve our imagination and creativity. We become more articulate through developing our vocabulary and lastly we discover and learn from what we read everyday. At the end of assembly each student was given a 'book lucky dip' and it was lovely to watch everyone leave with a free book they could read or swap with a friend. Here at Pembroke we have a real #passion for books!!!!!