Pembroke Academy - Prospectus

Essential Guide to The Priory Pembroke Academy

2 | “Through experience and reflections students gain wisdom needed to become responsible citizens and make good choices in life.”

PEMBROKE • A PRIORY ACADEMY | 3 Our Motto is “Achieving Together”. The happy and calm atmosphere radiates to every corner of our academy. The students thrive under the direction of dedicated and excellent teaching and support staff, whilst also benefiting from the high-quality teaching and sports facilities. Our curriculum offers students a chance to succeed academically as well as enjoying an enriching programme of extracurricular events. We believe the journey from Year 7 to Year 11 is exciting and rewarding. A Pembroke Academy student will strive to work hard and will exhibit our values at all times. We truly believe this. The Pembroke values are; Curiosity, Wisdom, Courage, Passion and Generosity. I would encourage you to look at our website and social media pages. This will give you a picture of the day-to-day life at Pembroke. I would also encourage you to come and see our Academy and experience the enthusiasm and vibrancy that we generate every day. Welcome to The Priory Pembroke Academy Pembroke Academy is a family. Like any family we care for, support and motivate each other, and share a common desire to be there for one another. Mr S Evans Headteacher

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PEMBROKE • A PRIORY ACADEMY | 5 At Pembroke, we provide an intellectually challenging and supportive curriculum. In this way, we develop inquisitive learners who see the value in learning and achieving, and who are ambitious in their plans for the future. We have high expectations of our students and our staff will support them in fulfilling their potential. Students will gain the discipline to learn; their progress is checked rigorously through regular assessment which is reported to parents by the termly checking system, reports and parents’ evenings. Empowering Intellectual Curiosity “The Priory Pembroke Academy is part of The Priory Federation of Academies Trust. The Trust’s mission is “To improve the life chances of our students so they become true citizens of the world” through the core values of Wisdom, Curiosity, Generosity, Courage and Passion.”

6 | With considerable attention to detail, we set out clearly what is expected of our students and we suggest to all prospective members of our Academy that if you join us, you have pledged to follow all of our rules, not just the ones that are convenient. We always ask parents for their support in this and are delighted by their positive response. We understand that it can be overwhelming for both students and their parents when starting a new school. Staff at Pembroke will be available to guide you through this process. The information in this booklet outlines the essential information you will need to get organised prior to your child starting with us and will help you prepare for your child’s first few days and weeks. The Essentials The Priory Pembroke Academy has a reputation for high standards of learning, uniform and behaviour.

PEMBROKE • A PRIORY ACADEMY | 7 Admissions For our up-to-date admission policy, please see the Academy website “The teaching of spiritual, moral, social and cultural education is at the core of our curriculum, instilling a strong sense of integrity and mutual respect in each of our students, allowing then to fit in to a global community in which we live.”

8 | The Pembroke Curriculum Mathematics 4 English 4 Science 4 PE 1 PSHMRE 1 Option A 3 Option B 3 Option C 3 Option D 2 Key Stage 4 lessons per week Key Stage 5 As part of the Priory Federation, students have a rite of passage into the many options available at Sixth Form. This includes traditional A-level, BTECs and vocational training. “Students are inspired to be courageous in a vibrant learning environment” Mathematics 3 English 3 Science 3 Geography 2 History 2 Spanish 2 ICT 1 PE 2 PSHMRE 1 Music 1 Drama 1 Art 1 Reading 1 Technology 2 Key Stage 3 lessons per week

PEMBROKE • A PRIORY ACADEMY | 9 Term Dates Please see website for up-to-date term dates. The Academy Day 08.35 - 09.10 Tutor Time 09.10 - 10.10 Lesson 1 10.10 - 10.30 Breaktime 10.30 - 11.30 Lesson 2 11.30 - 12.30 Lesson 3 12.30 - 13.00 Lunchtime 13.00 - 14.05 Lesson 4 14.05 - 15.05 Lesson 5 Lower School 08.35 - 09.10 Tutor Time 09.10 - 10.10 Lesson 1 10.10 - 11.10 Lesson 2 11.10 - 11.30 Breaktime 11.30 - 12.30 Lesson 3 12.30 - 13.00 Lunchtime 13.00 - 14.05 Lesson 4 14.05 - 15.05 Lesson 5 Upper School If your child is absent for whatever reason it is important that the school are made aware. Please ring 01522 751040.

10 | It is important that pupils have the correct equipment so they are ready to learn. Black Pen • Pencil • Ruler • Green Pen • Calculator • Mathematical Equipment We consider the wearing of uniform to be very important. It provides our students with an identity, it helps promote a purposeful approach to learning and it demonstrates a commitment to the values of the Academy. Our strict and consistent approach is appreciated by students and parents. Indeed, both students and parents have worked hard with us to ensure that the uniform is of a high standard and appropriate to the requirements of modern-day education. There is an expectation that all members of the Academy will strive to look their best. For students, this will mean wearing the Priory Pembroke Academy uniform correctly when travelling to, from and within the Academy and when on trips and visits. Extreme haircuts (as determined by the Academy) and evidence of dye or tints are not acceptable. All items of uniform, including PE kit, must be clearly marked with the student’s name. An up to date version is always available on our website. Equipment Uniform

PEMBROKE • A PRIORY ACADEMY | 11 Students from outside of the local area are encouraged to travel by bus. Details for main routes can be found here: On foot or by bicycle Students who live close to the Academy are encouraged to be environmentally responsible and we recommend that they walk or cycle if they are able. All cycles should be wheeled on arrival into the academy and must be locked within the cycle pen. Students should ensure their bike has been checked for safety and the wearing of a helmet is strongly recommended. If concerns arise about the safety of the bike, or the way in which it is ridden, the academy reserves the right to ban a student from travelling to and from the academy in this way. Transport - Home to School By Car For parents wishing to drop-off and pick-up students in cars or taxis, we have limited spaces in the designated areas to do so. This is a very busy area of the Academy at the start and end of the day. We urge all drivers to enter and leave the site with extreme caution. We also recommend that parents park away from school and pupils walk to their agreed pick up areas. It is important that no cars park on any yellow lines outside of school.

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PEMBROKE • A PRIORY ACADEMY | 13 Form Tutors Each student is given a form tutor who they report to on a daily basis and can talk to if they have any questions. They are normally the first point of contact. We aim to ensure that the transition from primary school, or indeed any other school when joining us mid-year, is as smooth as possible. Settling In Our priority is to make your child feel welcome and comfortable at our academy. Lunch and catering services Our canteen offers hot meals and desserts, including jacket potatoes, as well as hot and cold snacks such as paninis and sandwiches. The menu can be found here: Head of Year Every year group has a designated leader. It is important that you and your child know the name of this person.

14 | Extracurricular activities In addition to PE, music and drama being offered as part of our curriculum, students can meet new friends who share common interests by joining one of our many clubs. Our clubs cover wide interests across sports, dance, chess, music and drama to name but a few. A full offer is emailed out each term and also posted onto our social media feed. Library Outside of lessons, students are able to use the Library in their own time and access 1000s of books and journals as well as a large number of computers. “Students demonstrate a passion for the many and varied extracurricular activities they take part in.” Personal belongings Parents are reminded that we do not accept responsibility for personal property. Students are strongly advised not to bring expensive items to the Academy. Parents should initially check their household insurance policy to see that they are covered. The Academy does not accept any liability. We strongly advise that all personal belongings are clearly labelled. Mobile phones Whilst we understand that mobiles have, to an extent, become a useful security item, they bring with them significant problems. Whilst on site, mobile phones must be turned off and remain off. Students are advised to be discreet in the use of their phones in their journeys to and from the Academy. The taking of photographs of any kind on the Academy site is done so with the prior permission of senior staff only. Possessing images taken on our site, even if it is of friends, can lead to problems. Failure to adhere to the academy’s rules regarding mobile phones may lead to them being confiscated for the rest of the day or even longer if deemed necessary. In such cases, parents will be contacted. The academy cannot accept any responsibility for mobile phones or similar electronic devices, which are brought into the academy by students.


16 | Keeping you updated At Pembroke, we aim to ensure parents are fully engaged with life at the academy and pride ourselves on the strong relationships we have with parents. As well as being invited to parents’ evenings, you will receive regular updates and progress reports about your son or daughter, alongside invitations to attend a range of events as part of the Pembroke family. Email We are trying to reduce our impact on the environment by cutting down on the use of paper wherever possible. One major area where we can achieve this is by using parental emails as a means of communication rather than letters. We ask parents to supply us with an email address and we use this for day-to-day contact. Important documents will still be issued by letter. All letters will be stored on the school website. Text messages Sometimes, we will ned to contact parents quickly, for example if the academy is to close early. To do this, we will use text messages and/or email. To ensure that we communicate effectively, please remember to update us of changes to contact numbers and emails. Parents’ evenings Parents’ evenings for all year groups are held throughout the year. Parents and carers will receive notification of the time and date. Web and social media The academy website has a dedicated ‘parents’ section to enable you to access essential information. We also post regular updates on our social media channels, including Facebook and Twitter. We urge you to join these pages. Student Planner Every student will be issued with a planner on their first day. It is important that students and parents read and understand the content within this document. Communication with Parents “The journey the students are on is shared by the staff and we work together to ensure everybody succeeds and feels valued. Achieving Together is our motto”

PEMBROKE • A PRIORY ACADEMY | 17 Student information and consent sheet By now, you should have received an email with the transition forms that need to be completed. If you have not received the forms, please email: If your son or daughter is using a name other than their legal name then please make this clear on the data collection sheet. Only legal names will appear on official correspondence. If a name has been changed, we shall require a copy of the deed poll and/or birth certificate. Trips and educational visits Your child will have many exciting opportunities to take part in off-site visits and trips throughout their time at Pembroke. For each trip, we will issue parents and carers with a consent form. Parents and carers also have the responsibility to notify trip leaders of any relevant information or medical issues affecting their child’s participation. Medical information The medical information form will need to be completed in full. Please note it is your responsibility to ensure that medical information is up-to-date at all times. Photography of students We may wish to take photographs and videos of students for a variety of reasons ranging from archive records to marketing and press coverage of achievements. In order to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation, we are required to seek the permission of parents and carers before recording such images. All photographs and images of children will be taken, used and stored in accordance with the academy’s photography policy, which requires staff to exercise professional judgement regarding the suitability of images and their use. You may withdraw your consent at any time. Archive copies of images may be retained for future reference. All data we hold complies with UK privacy laws and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Personal Data and Consent Please read this important information about the data we need to collect about your child as part of their enrolment and continuing academic life at Pembroke.

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The Priory Pembroke Academy, Croft Lane, Cherry Willingham, Lincoln, LN3 4JP Tel: 01522 751040 Email: